An account of the symbiotic relationship between pine trees and Jays; a cycle of dependency has progressed for several million years as birds have effectively planted the trees that sustain them by dispersing the seeds. |This book covers a wide range of regions, focusing on the Rocky Mountains and the American Southwest, but also ranging from the Alps to Finland, and from Siberia to China. The book is written from the perspectives of evolution, ecology, and animal behaviour.
Introduction; 1. The Genius of Pines; 2. Stone Pine Seeds and Cones; 3. The Pine Birds; 4. The Top-of-the-Line Pinivore; 5. Memories; 6. Other Arrangements; 7. Who Needs Clark's Nutcracker?; 8. Building Ecosystems; 9. The Odd Couple; 10. Pine-Nuts and People; 11. Deviations; 12. Origins; 13. Is the Keystone Slipping?
A clear and convincing story of a fascinating example of the complexity of nature.--IBIS
"This accessible book will interest nature and bird enthusiasts."--Library Journal
"This is a wonderful book, and could be read with profit by anyone interested in birds, conservation, community ecology, or co-evolution."--Paul Ehrlich, co-author of The Birder's Handbook
"Original and fascinating....Easy to read [and] accessible."--Peter H. Raven, Director, Missouri Botanical Garden
"There are only two or three people in the world that could write this book from a position of authority, [Ronald M. Lanner] is perhaps the best equipped."--Stephen VanderWall, University of Nevada
"This book is recommended for larger collections and will be of interest to bird lovers and those with general nature interests."--Electronic Green Journal