In Molecular Embryology: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, expert investigators provide a comprehensive guide to the cutting-edge methods used across the dramatically growing field of vertebrate molecular embryology. Time-tested techniques take advantage of the most commonly used vertebrate experimental models: murine embryos for their genetics, chick embryos for in vivo manipulation, zebrafish for mutagenesis, amphibian embryos, and nonvertebrate chordates. The second edition collects classic protocols which have become standard techniques in the laboratory and presents them in a complementary fashion with novel and emerging approaches, allowing researcher to become more familiar with commonly studied embryos used in biomedical research. Insightful to the experienced professional, Molecular Embryology: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, presents cutting-edge findings of perhaps the greatest period in growth and productivity in the field of Developmental Biology.
Part I. The Mouse Embryo. The Mouse as a Developmental Model Paul T. Sharpe. Culture of Postimplantation Mouse Embryos Paul Martin and David L. Cockroft. Organ Culture in the Analysis of Tissue Interactions, Irma Thesleff and Carin Sahlberg. Treatment of Mice with Retinoids In Vivo and In Vitro, Gillian M. Morriss-Kay. Analysis of Skeletal Ontogenesis through Differential Staining of Bone and Cartilage, Michael J. Depew Cell Grafting and Labeling in Postimplantation Mouse Embryos, Gabriel A. Quinlan, Poh-Lynn Khoo, Nicole Wong, Paul A. Trainor and Patrick P. L. Tam Production of Transgenic Rodents by the Microinjection of Cloned DNA Into Fertilized One-Celled Eggs David Murphy. Cre Recombinase Mediated Alterations of the Mouse Genome Using Embryonic Stem Cells Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, Melinda Pirity, and Andras Nagy. Gene Trapping in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Jane Brennan and William C. Skarnes. Application of lacZ Transgenic Mice to Cell Lineage Studies, Catherine M. Watson, Paul A. Trainor, Tatiana Radziewic, Gregory Pelka, Sheila X. Zhou, Maala Parameswaran, Gabriel A. Quinlan, Monica Gordon, Karin Sturm, and Patrick P. L. Tam Transgenic RNA Interference to Investigate Gene Function in the Mouse Tilo Kunath Mouse Primordial Germ Cells: Isolation and In Vitro Culture Patricia A. Labosky and Brigid L. M. Hogan. Gene Transfer to the Rodent Embryo by Retroviral Vectors, Marla B. Luskin. Part II. Chicken Embryo. The Avian Embryo: An Overview, Ivor Mason. Chick Embryos: Incubation and Isolation, Ivor Mason. New Culture, Amata Hornbruch. EC --culture: a method to culture early chick embryos, Andrea Streit Grafting Hensen's Node, Claudio D. Stern. Grafting of Somites, Claudio D. Stern. Microsurgical manipulation of the notochord, Lucia E. Alvares, Corinne Lours, Amira El-Hanfy and Susanne Dietrich Transplantation of Avian Neural Tissue, Sarah Guthrie. Grafting of Apical Ridge and Polarizing Region, Cheryl Tickle. Tissue Recombinations in Collagen Gels, Marysia Placzek. Quail--Chick Chimeras, Marie-Aimee Teillet, Catherine Ziller, and Nicole M. Le Douarin. Using Fluorescent Dyes for Fate Mapping, Lineage Analysis, and Axon Tracing in the Chick Embryo, Jonathan D. W. Clarke. Gene Transfer in Avian Embryos Using Replication-Competent Retroviruses, Cairine Logan and Philippa Francis-West. Electroporation in avian embryos Jun-ichi Funahashi and Harukazu Nakamura Part III. Amphibian Embryos. An Overview of Xenopus Development, C. Michael Jones and Jim Smith. Mesoderm Induction Assays, C. Michael Jones and Jim Smith. Experimental Embryological Methods for Analysis of Neural Induction in the Amphibian, Ray Keller, Ann Poznanski, and Tamira Elul. A Method for Generating Transgenic Frog Embryos, Shoko Ishibashi, Kristin L. Kroll and Enrique Amaya. Axolotl/newt, Malcolm Maden. Part IV. Zebrafish and Medaka. The Zebrafish: An Overview of Its Early Development, Nigel Holder and Qiling Xu. Small-Scale Marker-Based Screening For Mutations in Zebrafish Development, Peter D. Currie, Thomas F. Schilling, and Philip W. Ingham. Microinjection and cell transplantation in zebrafish embryos, Qiling Xu, Derek Stemple and Katherine Joubin. Recent advances in meganuclease- and transposon-mediated transgenesis of Medaka and zebrafish, Clemens Grabher and Joachim Wittbrodt Retinoids in Nonmammalian Embryos, Malcolm Maden. Part V. Nonvertebrate Chordates. Protochordates, Peter W. H. Holland and Hiroshi Wada. Part VII. Molecular Techniques Subtractive Hybridization and Construction of cDNA Libraries, Bruce Blumberg and Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte. Differential Display of Eukaryotic mRNA, Antonio Tugores and Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte. Using DNA microarrays, Clare Pritchard, Peter Underhill & Andy Greenfield Profiling gene transcription in the developing embryo: microarray analysis on gene chips, David Chambers and Andrew Lumsden. RT-PCR on Embryos Using Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primers, Anthony Graham. Single-Cell RT-PCR cDNA Subtraction, Damian L. Weaver, Cesar Nunez, Clare Brunet, Victoria Bostock, and Gerard Brady. In Situ Hybridization of Radioactive Riboprobes to RNA in Tissue Sections, Radma Mahmood and Ivor Mason. In situ hybridisation and Immunohistochemistry in Whole Embryos, Carol Irving Wholemount In Situ Hybridization to Xenopus Embryos, C. Michael Jones and James C. Smith. Wholemount In Situ Hybridization to Amphioxus Embryo, Peter W. H. Holland. In Situ Hybridization to Sections (Nonradioactive), Maria Rex and Paul J. Scotting. Immunohistochemistry Using Polyester Wax, Andrew Kent. Immunohistochemistry on Whole Embryos, Ivor Mason. Whole Embryo Assays for Programmed Cell Death, Anthony Graham. Protein Techniques: Immunoprecipitation, In Vitro Kinase Assays, and Western Blotting, Clive Dickson. Part VIII. Photography. Microscopy and Photomicrography Techniques, Richard J. T. Wingate.
Reviews of the first edition: "This book has much to offer biologists interested in the molecular biology of developmental systems in a wide range of vertebrates." - Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal "Universal techniques are well-written, complete, and easy to follow including in situ hybridization, differential display PCR, as well as standard protocols for library construction, Northern and Southern analyses. This would be an excellent addition to any developmental biology laboratory, university department, and especially good for graduate students and post-docs." -Teratology "...this book is a tome, a necessity imposed on it by its breadth, both in terms of model organisms (mouse, chicken, amphibians, zebra fish and prochordates) and methods (surgery, retro-virology, in situ hybridization, molecular biology, immunohistochemistry, microscopy and photography.) The protocols are compact and clearly written, with ever-so-helpful hints (called notes) grouped at the end of each chapter. ...we encourage both teachers and researchers actively involved in experimental embryology to buy this book, put it on the shelf and let your students know it is there." - TINS "Molecular Embryology provides an excellent source for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the various vertebrate model organisms, and provides a ready source for highly useful protocols...The protocols are thoroughly described and are accompanied by helpful illustrations. Developmental biologists will be pleased to add this book to their collection, and will likely reference it often for its many useful protocols." - The Quarterly Review of Biology "This book is of interest to embryologists, biologists and probably to some neonatologists and geneticists. It describes in detail the experimental use of animal embryos...A well illustrated and referenced text for specialists." - Journal of Endocrine Genetics