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Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 4 This volume addresses a subject of direct relevance to crop yield and therefore of major economic significance. Directed equally at academic and industrial readers, it covers three main areas of molecular plant pathology: how pathogens cause disease (the molecular signalling that takes place between plant and pathogen, and the genes that are important in the pathogen for causing disease), how plants resist disease (what is known about resistance genes, through apoptosis to systemic-acquired resistance), and exploitation of molecular plant pathology in the biotechnological control of disease.
Fungal pathogenicity: establishing infection; Bacterial pathogenicity; Viral pathogenicity; Genetic analysis and evolution of plant disease resistance genes; Resistance genes and resistance protein function; Signalling in plant disease resistance; Programmed cell death in plants in response to pathogen attack; Systemic acquired resistance; Transgenic approaches to disease resistant plants as exemplified by viruses; Emerging technologies and their application in the study of host-pathogen interactions; References; Index.
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