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Field Guides & Natural History  Mycology

Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 3 Agarics, Part 2

Flora / Fauna
By: Geoffrey Kibby(Author)
183 pages, colour photos, colour & b/w illustrations
Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 3
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  • Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 3 ISBN: 9780957209473 Hardback May 2021 In stock
Price: £41.00
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Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 3Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 3Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, Volume 3

About this book

The third volume in the Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe series is identical in format to the previous two volumes, with species accounts being illustrated with paintings, principally to highlight important characters that are sometimes difficult to ascertain from a photograph. The book is also unique in illustrating microscopic features next to each painting.

Volume 3 is the third volume in the series Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe to deal with the gilled fungi, the agarics. All the volumes include both common as well as rare and occasionally found examples, with a bias to including those not found in other field guides or new to science. Families covered in volume 3: Agaricaceae (continued from volume 1), Psathyrellaceae, Mythicomycetaceae, Galeropsidaceae, Strophariaceae, Hymenogastraceae and Cortinariaceae.

With many thousands of just the larger basidiomycetes in Britain alone to choose from, it has become obvious that to include a good representation of species as in the previous volumes, a fourth volume would be needed. Volume 4 will allow completion of something like 98% of those gilled fungi known to date. This final volume will also include an addendum of species added to the British list since the publication of the first three volumes. Families to be covered in volume 4: Bolbitaceae, Crepidotaceae, Inocybaceae, Tubariaceae, Macrocystidiaceae and Entolomataceae.


Using this book   iii
Families and Genera   iv
Preface & Acknowledgements   v
The Structures of Gilled Fungi   vi
Stem Shapes   vi
Common Cap Shapes   vi
Gill Attachments   vii
Spore Shapes and Ornamentation   vii
Cystidia   viii
Cap Cuticles   viii
Some Common Colour Terms in Fungi   ix
Glossary   x
Further Reading   xii
Checklist of Trees and Shrubs   xiv
Keys to major groups of gilled fungi   xv

Illustrations and descriptions of species   1–173
      Agaricaceae   2
      Psathyrellaceae   14
      Mythicomycetaceae   50
      Galeropsidaceae   52
      Strophariaceae   54
      Hymenogastraceae   70
      Cortinariaceae   100

Index   174
Index of Genera in Volumes 1–3   180

Customer Reviews

Flora / Fauna
By: Geoffrey Kibby(Author)
183 pages, colour photos, colour & b/w illustrations
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