Language: Japanese with scientific nomenclature
Giraffes with long necks, whales returning to the sea, elephants with extended noses, camels carrying nutrient tanks, dinosaurs that evolved into birds, sharks that have been almost unchanged for 400 million years. This is but a sample of amazing survival strategy for animals that have allowed them to evolve through repeated episodes of extinction. From mammals to birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, this book summarizes the history of vertebrate evolution.
Summary in Japanese:
首を長くしたキリン、海に帰ったクジラ、鼻をのばしたゾウ、栄養タンクを背負ったラクダ、歯を武器にしたネコ、 鳥になった恐竜、4億年ほとんど変わらないサメ……………、絶滅と進化を繰り返しながら、今に命をつないできた、 動物たちのすごい生き残り戦略。