Language: Japanese with scientific nomenclature
A Japanese translation of Dinosaurs: Profiles from a Lost World. Dinosaurs were the undisputed rulers of a very long period in the history of our planet; and even today, millions of years after their mass extinction, they amaze and fascinate us with their appearance and their proportions. But how did dinosaurs really live, what did they eat, how did they move about, and what differences existed between their families? The palaeontologist and scientific author Riley Black will guide you through the discovery of some of the most iconic and rarest species of dinosaurs, revealing the history of the discovery of their fossils and providing you with the most up-to-date information that scientific research has made available.
Summary in Japanese:
リアルな恐竜イラストで定評のあるリカルド・フラピッチーニのグラフィックと、ナショナル ジオグラフィックでおなじみのライリー・ブラックの解説で、最新の研究で明らかになった恐竜の姿を味わい尽くす。ページをめくるたびに美しく気高くリアルな恐竜の顔が現れ、その姿に魅了される。その横に、彼らがどのように進化してきたのか、生きていたのか、研究されてきたのかについて、最新の研究を基にした解説が加えられる。