In recent years, research on natural antioxidants has been developing very quickly. However, this development has been almost exclusively associated with medical sciences in relation to human health. In this respect, the roles of natural antioxidants in animal nutrition in general and in avian nutrition and reproduction in particular need further understanding. Therefore, information provided in this book should be of practical importance to poultry producers and avian scientists, as well as for students of agricultural colleges and universities. The main aim of this volume is to provide up-to-date information about natural antioxidants in relation to avian physiology, nutrition and reproduction. A comparison with farm animals and humans is made where appropriate. It combines fundamental information on these substances together with their practical applications in the poultry industry. It also presents a comprehensive review on major natural antioxidants in relation to poultry production and avian species in general.
Antioxidant systems in animal body Vitamin E Carotenoids Selenium Developing Optimal Egg Status for a Viable Chick Antioxidant-enriched eggs: from improvement of egg composition to functional food Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems in avian semen Natural antioxidants: from the animal feed industry to human health
PETER SURAI, a highly respected Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at the Scottish Agricultural College in Auchcruive, was recently awarded the World's Poultry Science Association Award in recognition of his research on antioxidants in relation to the poultry industry, and in 1999 won the John Logie Baird Award for Innovation for the development of the "Super-Egg".