This volume looks at the economic, social and environmental consequences of nature-based tourism and its effects on land managers. It discusses the importance of links and partnerships, as well as the conflicts, between commercial tourism interests and land management agencies.
- The practice and politics of tourism and land management, R Buckley
- Nature-based tourism and sustainability: issues and approaches in nature tourism, C Pickering and D Weaver
- Sustainable tourism: world trends and challenges ahead, E Yunis, Sustainable Development of Tourism, World Organization, Capitan Haya 41,28020 Madrid, Spain
- Private reserves: the Conservation Corporation Africa model, L Carlisle, Conservation Corporation Africa, PO Box 966, White River, 1240 South Africa
- Applying public purpose marketing in the US to protect relationships with public land, A Watson, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, Montana, USA and W Borrie, University of Montana, USA - The financial liability of parks managers for visitor injuries, J McDonald, Griffith University, Australia
- Visitor fees, tour permits, and asset and risk management by parks agencies: Australian case study, R Buckley et al
- The net economic benefits of recreation and timber production in selected new south wales native forests, J Ward, Griffith University, Australia
- Moving nearer to heaven: growth & change in the Greater Yellowstone Region, USA, J Johnson et al, Montana State University, USA
- Visitor impact data in a land management context, R Buckley and N King, Griffith University, Australia
- Small recreational and tourist vessels in inshore coastal areas: a characterisation of types of impacts, J Warnken and T Byrnes, Griffith University, Australia
- Establishing best practice environmental management: lessons from the Australian tour boat industry, T Byrnes and J Warnken
- Impacts of nature tourism on the Mt Kosciuszko Alpine Area, Australia, C Pickering et al
- Ecological change as a result of winter tourism: snow manipulation in the Australian Alps, C Pickering and W Hill, Griffith University, Australia
- A method to calculate environmental sensitivity to walker trampling in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, J Whinam et al, Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Tasmania, Australia - Modelling potential for nature-based tourism, C Arrowsmith, RMIT University, Victoria, Australia
- Contributions of non-consumptive wildlife tourism to conservation, K Higginbottom et al, Griffith University, Australia
- Balancing conservation and visitation in protected areas, R Bushell, University of Western Sydney, Australia
- Conclusions, R Buckley