Besides, providing background information pertaining to various aspects of insect behaviour, the book also discusses in detail chapters like orientation, locomotion, navigation, migration, feeding, reproduction, communication, defence, social behaviour, rhythms, and bioluminescence.
Foreword. Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Innate and learned behaviour. 3. Sensory reception. 4. Neural control of behaviour. 5. Orientation. 6. Locomotion. 7. Navigation. 8. Migration. 9. Feeding. 10. Reproduction. 11. Communication. 12. Insect interactions. 13. Defence. 14. Insect society. 15. Biological rhythms. 16. Bioluminescence. 17. Hormones. 18. Pheromones. 19. Behavioural genetics. 20. Behavioural systematics. 21. Behavioural manipulations and insect pest management. References. Index of scientific names. Subject index.