Human impacts and emerging mega-trends such as climate change and energy scarcity will impact natural resource management in this century. This is especially true for deltas because of their ecological and economic importance and their sensitivity to climate change. The Mississippi delta is one of the largest in the world and has been strongly impacted by human activities. Currently there is an ambitious plan for restoration of the delta. Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta, by a renown group of delta experts, provides an overview of the challenges facing the delta and charts – a way forward to sustainable management.
1.Introduction. Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta John W. Day, G. Paul Kemp, Angelina M. Freeman, and David P. Muth
2. The Once and Future Delta David P. Muth
3. How Deltas Work. A Brief Look at the Mississippi River Delta in a Global Context Liviu Giosan and Angelina M. Freeman
4. The Last Naturally Active Delta Complexes of the Mississippi River (LNDM). Discovery and Implications Richard Condrey, Paul E. Hoffman, and D. Elaine Evers
5. Adapting to Change in the Lowermost Mississippi River. Implications for Navigation, Flood Control and Restoration of the Delta Ecosystem G. Paul Kemp, Clinton S. Willson, J. David Rogers, Karen A. Westphal, and S. Ahmet Binselam
6. Using What We Have. Optimizing Sediment Management in Mississippi River Delta Restoration to Improve the Economic Viability of the Nation Samuel J. Bentley, Angelina M. Freeman, Clinton S. Willson, JayeE. Cable, and Liviu Giosan
7. Fisheries in a Changing Delta James H. Cowan, Jr., Linda A. Deegan, and John W. Day
8. The Influence of Nutrients on the Coastal Wetlands of the Mississippi Delta James T. Morris, J. Andy Nyman, and Gary P. Shaffer
9. Complexities of Resilience. Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana Connor Bailey, RobertGramling, and Shirley B. Laska
10. The Importance of Mississippi Delta Restoration on the Local and National Economies David Batker, Sarah K. Mack, Fred H. Sklar, William K. Nuttle, Mary E. Kelly, and Angelina M. Freeman
11. The Threats to the Value of Ecosystem Goods and Services of the Mississippi Delta David Batker, Isabel de la Torre, Robert Costanza, John W. Day, RoelofBoumans, and Kenneth Bagstad
12. The Impact of Global Climate Change and Energy Scarcity on Mississippi Delta Restoration John W. Day and Matthew Moerschbaecher
13. Summary and Conclusions: The Cost of Inaction and the Need for Urgency John W. Day, G. Paul Kemp, and Angelina M. Freeman