Language: German with short English species diagnoses
This is the text-volume of volume 2 in this series. It covers the larger genera of the Agaricales with coloured spore dust (with exception of the Cortinariaceae). These are (the number of represented species is given in brackets): Agaricus (50), Allopsalliota (1), Conocybe (50), Coprinus (110); Entoloma (189), Lacrymaria (1), Pholiotina (20), Pluteus (38), and Psathyrella (88). These are elaborated on in the text with short descriptions and literature references. This volume came about in collaboration and consultation with specialists such as A. Hausknecht, M. Meusers, M. E. Noordeloos and L. Örstadius.
August 2017: The published has made available a PDF file with errata here.