Language: German
This is the plates-volume of volume 3 in this series. It covers the remaining genera of lamellar fungi with white spore dust (with the exception of the Melanoleuca). It covers 26 genera and 694 species.
Summary in German:
Band 3 enthält die restlichen Gattungen der Weißsporer: Amanita, Camarophyllopsis, Clitocybe, Collybia, Gymnopus, Hemimycena, Hygrocybe, Hygroaster, Hygrophorus, Lepiota, Leucoagaricus, Leucocoprinus, Leucopholiota, Macrolepiota, Mycena, Rhodocollybia, Roridomyces, Tricholoma, Tricholosporum. Insges. 292 Tafeln mit 692 Taxa, darunter 55 Neubeschreibungen bzw. Neukombinationen.