This easy-to-use, compact book is the perfect pocket ID guide to mammals of the region. It covers - in surprising detail - some 120 mammals, from the smallest (bats, sengis and shrews) to the largest, such as elephants, lions and rhinoceroses, as well as marine species, such as seals, dolphins and whales. Authoritative and colourfully illustrated, this guide offers concise information on key ID pointers, similar species, habitat, behaviour, diet, reproduction, longevity, calls, occurrence and measurements. Clear images of each animal, distribution maps, silhouettes indicating size relative to humans and illustrations of tracks and droppings make this a must-have book for tourists and nature-lovers alike.
Chris and Mathilde Stuart are founders of the African-Arabian Wildlife Research Centre. They are well-known authors of numerous books including Field Guide to the Mammals of Southern Africa, Pocket Guide Mammals of East Africa, Field Guide to the Tracks and Signs of Southern and East African Wildlife and Dangerous Creatures of Africa and have also published numerous scientific papers and popular articles on a wide range of topics.