This educational Pond Dipping Kit contains everything you need to start water sampling contained in one easy kit.
The kit comes as two options with different nets. The mini pond dipping net is good for young children to use as it's very lightweight and has a short, manageable handle. The telescopic pond dipping net is also lightweight and easy to use but has a longer, extendable handle and is great for older or supervised children looking dip in deeper ponds.
The heavy duty white plastic tray is used to sort through a catch from your net. Use the bug viewer to take a closer look at a specimen through the magnifying lid then store your specimens in the water-tight sampling pots - just remember to put them back in the pond when you've finished.
Finally, follow the easy key on the Freshwater Name Trail chart to find out exactly what's wiggling in the bottom of your net. This easy to use chart covers the most commonly found freshwater invertebrates and is fully laminated so it won't matter if you accidentally drop it in the pond.
Mini Net Pond Dipping Kit
Telescopic Net Pond Dipping Kit