In this revised edition, Dr T.C. Brayshaw describes all of the aquatic monocotyledons in British Columbia. (Monocotyledons are a major subgroup of flowering plants that have embryos with only one seed leaf.) This group comprises four orders and fourteen families of plants in freshwater and marine environments. The most populous families are the pondweeds and bur-reeds, but others are water-plantains, arrow-grasses, arums (skunk cabbage), duckweeds and cat—tails.
Dr Brayshaw has updated his definitive 1985 treatment of B.C.'s aquatic monocotyledons with several recently discovered species, new distribution maps and the latest taxonomic information. This edition contains Dr Brayshaw's finely detailed illustrations, many reworked or completely redrawn based on new information.
T. Christopher Brayshaw is Curator Emeritus of Botany at the Royal B.C. Museum and one of the province's foremost botanists. He is the author of several other RBCM books, including Trees and Shrubs of British Columbia and Plant Collecting for the Amateur.