The pace of revolution in analytical chemistry in the field of Geosciences has been dramatic over the recent decades and includes fundamental developments that have become common place in many related and unrelated disciplines. The analytical tools (nano to macro-scale from stable to radioactive isotopes to synchrotron imaging) used have been applied to wide-ranging applications from inorganic to organic geochemistry, biodiversity and chronological tools, to build an understanding of how the Earth system evolved to its present state.
Concise table of contents:
- Introduction
- NanoSIMS as an analytical tool in the geosciences
- Clumped Isotopes
- State of the art Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
- Measurement Standards and Strategies for Stable Isotope Ratio Calibration
- Application of Radiogenic isotopes in Geosciences
- Advances in two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC)
- Advance in fluorescence spectroscopy
- Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Low Temperature Thermochronology