From the birds who wake us in the morning with their cheerful chorus to those who flock to our feeders and brighten a gloomy winter day, birds fascinate us with their lively and interesting behaviour and provide essential services from controlling pest populations to pollinating crops. And yet for all the benefits they provide, many species across Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio are in danger of extinction due to loss of habitat, agricultural expansion, changing forest conditions, and interactions with humans.
In Endangered and Disappearing Birds of the Midwest, Matt Williams profiles forty of the most beautiful and interesting birds who winter, breed, or migrate through the Midwest and whose populations are most in danger of disappearing from the region. Each profile includes the current endangered status of the species, a description of the bird's vocal and nesting patterns, and tips to help readers identify them, along with stunning colour images and detailed migration maps.
An exquisite and timely examination of our feathered friends, Endangered and Disappearing Birds of the Midwest is a call to action to protect these vulnerable and gorgeous creatures that enliven our world.
1. Northern Bobwhite
2. Greater Prairie-Chicken
3. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
4. Black-billed Cuckoo
5. Whooping Crane
6. Piping Plover
7. Marbled Godwit
8. Red Knot
9. Dunlin
10. Pectoral Sandpiper
11. Semipalmated Sandpiper
12. American Woodcock
13. Willet
14. Lesser Yellowlegs
15. Herring Gull
16. Snowy Owl
17. Short-eared Owl
18. Red-headed Woodpecker
19. Loggerhead Shrike
20. Horned Lark
21. Bank Swallow
22. Wood Thrush
23. Pine Siskin
24. Evening Grosbeak
25. Snow Bunting
26. Golden-winged Warbler
27. Prothonotary Warbler
28. Kentucky Warbler
29. Kirtland’s Warbler
30. Cape May Warbler
31. Cerulean Warbler
32. Blackpoll Warbler
33. Prairie Warbler
34. Canada Warbler
35. Wilson’s Warbler
36. Field Sparrow
37. Grasshopper Sparrow
38. Henslow’s Sparrow
39. Bobolink
40. Eastern Meadowlark
Matt Williams is Director of Conservation Programs at the Nature Conservancy, where he has worked for more than 16 years, and is a specialist in prescribed fire and endangered species management. He is author and photographer of Indiana State Parks: A Centennial Celebration and photographer of The Complete Guide to Indiana State Parks.
"The Midwest can claim an abundance of beautiful and fascinating birds, but unfortunately, some of them are at risk of vanishing. Read this book's informative text and linger over Matt Williams's stunning photography, and you'll agree that these treasures of birdlife are worth saving. I highly recommend Endangered and Disappearing Birds of the Midwest to anyone who cares about the natural world."
– Kenn Kaufman, birder, naturalist, and author of Kaufman Field Guide to Birds of North America