The first edition of this checklist (published by the Royal Entomological Society) re-set the standard for British lepidopterists by bringing the scientific nomenclature up to date, adopting an internationally accepted taxonomic arrangement of families and introducing a new numbering system for each species. Inevitably, however, nomenclature continues to change with new research, as does the number of species known to occur on the British list. The authors have continued to provide information on such changes since 2013 by regular publications in the Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation and these have all been brought together (with further additions and amendments) within this brand new second edition of the Checklist.
Now published by the British Entomological and Natural History Society, the second edition encompasses a net addition of 55 species to the British list. Practical improvements over the first edition include a smaller format (now the same height as other BENHS publications), more easily identifiable sections and a sewn spine to prevent the pages from becoming separated with regular use.
Covering all British macro-moths, micro-moths and butterflies, this is an indispensable reference for any serious lepidopterist.
Higher Classification and Census of Species
Checklist of British Lepidoptera
01. Micropterigidae
02. Eriocraniidae
03. Hepialidae
04. Nepticulidae
05. Opostegidae
06. Heliozelidae
07. Delidae
08. Incurvariidae
09. Prodoxidae
10. Tischeriidae
11. Psychidae
12. Tineidae
13. Roeslerstammiidae
14. Ucculatricidae
15. Gracillariidae
16. Yponomeutidae
17. Ypsolophidae
18. Plutellidae
19. Glyphipterigidae
20. Rgyresthiidae
21. Lyonetiidae
22. Praydidae
23. Heliodinidae
24. Edelliidae
25. Scythropiidae
26. Douglasiidae
27. Utostichidae
28. Oecophoridae
29. Chimabachidae
30. Lypusidae
31. Peleopodidae
32. Depressariidae
33. Ethmiidae
34. Cosmopterigidae
35. Gelechiidae
36. Atrachedridae
37. Coleophoridae
38. Elachistidae
39. Parametriotidae
40. Momphidae
41. Lastobasidae
42. Stathmopodidae
43. Scythrididae
44. Lucitidae
45. Pterophoridae
46. Schreckensteiniidae
47. Epermeniidae
48. Choreutidae
49. Tortricidae
50. Cossidae
51. Sesiidae
52. Limacodidae
53. Zygaenidae
54. Papilionidae
55. Hesperiidae
56. Pieridae
57. Nymphalidae
58. Riodinidae
59. Lycaenidae
60. Pyralidae
61. Crambidae
62. Drepanidae
63. Lasiocampidae
64. Endromidae
65. Saturniidae
66. Sphingidae
67. Geometridae
68. Notodontidae
69. Erebidae
70. Noctuidae
71. Nolidae
Notes to Species in the Main List
Appendix A. Adventive Species
Appendix B. Questionable Records
Bibliography and References
Index of Vernacular Names
Index of Scientific Names