Photographs by Colin Paterson-Jones
Illustrations by Nicci Page
Long awaited field guide to proteas, the most conspicuous element of South Africa's fynbos, which describes clearly and in detail 370 members of the Proteacea, including leucadenendrons, leucospermums and the smaller genera. Each species is illustrated by at least one colour photograph, and is accompanied by a distribution map.
Dr Tony Rebelo is a conservation biologist at the National Botanical Institute who specialises in the study of fynbos, and proteas in particular. Until recently he led the Proleo Atlas Project; Serruria rebeloi has been nameo after him. Colin Paterson Jones is well known for his exceptional talent for photographing the Cape flora. His books include Fynbos: South Africa's Unique Floral Kingdom and Namaqualand A Succulent Desert.