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Provides an authoritative and wide-ranging protocol-based approach to proteomics. Presented as a logical strategy for analyzing proteomes, it provides information about protein structure and numerous methods for the preparation and analysis of protein samples ranging from electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to protein chips and informatics. Extensive background information and references are provided regarding the theoretic aspects of the techniques presented as well as their applications.
Introduction to proteomics; one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; preparing cellular and subcellular extracts; preparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with immobilized pH gradients; reversed-phase high -performance liquid chromatography; amino- and carboxy-terminal sequence analysis; peptide mapping and sequence analysis of gel-resolved proteins; the use of mass spectrometry in proteomics; proteomic methods for phosphorylation site mapping; characterization of protein complexes; making sense of proteomics - using bioinformatics to discover a protein's structure, functions, and interactions.
Customer Reviews
Handbook / Manual
Out of Print
By: Richard Simpson
926 pages, illus
... the proteome is multidimensional: a single gene can specify a number of different protein products that may themselves be modified post-translationally by the covalent attachment of a range of functional groups. Moreover, proteins commonly occur in complexes whose composition and conformation have a profound effect on both their activity and their stability. Proteomics attempts to grapple with this complexity by using a vast range of molecular, chemical and genetic techniques. This superb volume embraces this diversity and, even if proteomic techniques are far from comprehensive in their scope, this weighty tome is certainly comprehensive in its description of them. Everything is here, from detailed laboratory protocols to clear explanations of the theoretical basis of the methods used. The book is as up-to-date as possible. It is peppered with references from 2002, and deals fully with recent technical advances, such as protein microarrays. Richard Simpson even manages to slip in bits of history, such as the derivation of the name Coomassie for the blue dye used to stain proteins in gels. (It was named to commemorate the British conquest of Kumasie-the capital of the Ashanti, in what is now Ghana-and was originally used to dye woollen jumpers.) Such nuggests make this volume more than just an excellent laboratory manual; it is also a book to dip into and enjoy. Nature Proteins and Proteomics: A Laboratory Manual is an invaluable information tool both for the experienced protein chemist who bravely ventures into the new world of proteomics and for the novice to proteins and proteomes. By focusing on what is currently considered the bedrock of proteomics technologies, Professor Simpson ensures that - in spite of the rapid advances that characterize contemporary proteomics research - this volume will remain relevant and current for years to come. -- From the Preface by Ruedi Aebersold