Designed for industrial hygienists, air quality experts, and health physicists, Radioactive Air Sampling Methods presents specific techniques for sampling radioactivity in the air. The authors discuss radionuclides found in nature, develop during industrial operations, and those that appear in the aftermath of a catastrophe, such as a nuclear reactor release. They detail step-by-step methods for measuring airborne radioactive substances and include information on sensitivity, possible interferences, and safety precautions for each method and provide the tools needed to perform complete safety analyses.
Objectives, Safety Issues, Standards, and a Life-Cycle Approach for Sampling Airborne Radioactivity
Objectives for Sampling Airborne Radioactivity, M.D. Hoover, G.J. Newton, and M.L. Maiello
Radiation Safety Issues for Air Sampling, M.L. Maiello and M.D. Hoover
Standards, Guidelines, Regulations, and Recommendations for Measuring Airborne Radioactivity, M.D. Hoover, M. Cox, C.G. Jones, L. Grivaud, M.L. Johnson, M.L. Maiello, and G.J. Newton
A Life-Cycle Approach to Development and Application of Air Sampling Methods and Instrumentation, M.D. Hoover and M. Cox
Fundamentals of Radioactivity and Radioactive Aerosols
Review of Radioactivity, Detection, and Measurement, M.L. Maiello
The Physics of Aerosols, E. Sajo
Behavior of Radioactive Aerosols and Gases, M.D. Hoover
Filtration, M.D. Hoover
Behavior of Radon and its Decay Products, P. Jenkins
Internal Dosimetry of Inhaled Radioactive Aerosols, C.A. Potter
Fundamentals of Sampling System Design and Operation for Airborne Radioactivity
Basic Air Sampling Equipment, M.L. Maiello
Calibration of Air Samplers and Monitors, J.T. Voss and J.J. Whicker
Appendix A: Generic Calibration Procedure, J.T. Voss and J.J. Whicker
Appendix B: A Multiple-Frame-of-Reference Method for Rotameter Correction Factors, M.D. Hoover
Principles of Air Sampler Placement in the Workplace, J.J. Whicker
The Practice of Continuous Air Monitoring for Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides, J.C. Rodgers
Principles of Sampling Airborne Radioactivity from Stacks, J. Glissmeyer
Methods for Comprehensive Characterization of Radioactive Aerosols: A Graded Approach, M.D. Hoover
Nonroutine Radioactive Air Sampling
Emergency Situation Air Sampling, R.B. Hayes
Appendix: First Responder Radiological Monitoring, T.F. O’Connell and S.P. Clendenin
Monitoring Nuclear Fallout, H.L. Beck
Example Air Sampling Methods for Airborne Radioactivity
Introduction to the Methods, M.L. Maiello and M.D. Hoover
Method 1: Determination of the Gross Alpha-Radioactivity Content of the Atmosphere
Method 2: Determination of the Gross Beta-Radioactivity Content of the Atmosphere
Method 3: Determination of the Tritiated Water Vapor Content of the Atmosphere
Method 4: Determination of the Elemental Tritium Content of the Atmosphere
Method 5: Determination of Carbon-14 in Air
Method 6: Determination of the Iodine-131 Content of the Atmosphere
Method 7: Sampling Air for Argon-41, Krypton-85, and Other Gamma-Emitting Radioactive Gases Using Gamma-Spectroscopy
Method 8: Determination of the 222Rn Content of the Atmosphere
Method 9: A Procedure for Continuous Air Monitoring of Plutonium
Method 10: Personal Air Sampling for Particulate Radioactivity
Method 11: Real-Time Breathing Zone Monitoring for Personal Respiratory Protection
Glossary, M.L. Maiello and M. Cox
Appendix: Radionuclide Characteristics, M.L. Maiello