This work is an essential reference for anyone seeking a book about the status, distribution and vagrancy patterns of rare species within the UK and Ireland, together with a comprehensive overview of Western Palearctic records. It collates the records for all species presently treated as 'rarities' by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) and the Irish Rare Birds Committee (IRBC).
For each species there is an overview of:
Historical review
Occurence and arrival patterns
Western Palearctic or European records
And a discussion of trends, patterns and why species arrive (or not) and numerous finders accounts.
Roger Riddington, Editor of British Birds, says:
"This book will become a definitive reference work for anyone interested in rare birds in Britain & Ireland. The inclusion of not just British & Irish but all European rarity records is particularly valuable when it comes to linking individual records, establishing the context of notable arrivals and examining trends - something which is increasingly important in the light of climate and other environmental change. As well as this, by splicing the analyses with narrative extracts, Russell Slack has provided a damn good read. The compiler is seriously well-qualified to write this book, and it shows."
Guru of the British birdwatching scene for over 50 years, Ian Wallace, commented:
"Want an industrious, inspiring account of rarities, their origins and occurrence patterns? Look not to the committees or journals, ask instead Russell Slack, total enthusiast and ace analyser of British and Irish records and European backdrops. It's two decades since anyone got the whole miracle of avian vagrancy together in one book. Order your copy of his wonderful digest now!"
Tim Melling, keen birder, BOURC member and aspiring rarity finder:
"Whenever I see a rare bird I always like to read everything I can about it afterwards. This fantastic book will provide a one-stop shop for doing just that. This is the first time that anyone has combined a detailed analysis of British and Irish rarity records with those of the rest of Europe. A well-researched section on the taxonomic status is also amazingly helpful for those with an eye on potential future splits. A definite must for the bookshelves of all rare bird enthusiasts and aspiring rarity-finders."