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Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants, Volume 15: Ma-Me

By: Neeraj Tandon(Author)
1072 pages
Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants, Volume 15: Ma-Me
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  • Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants, Volume 15: Ma-Me Hardback Jan 2016 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-4 weeks
Price: £98.99
About this book Contents Customer reviews Related titles

About this book

Language: English

Reviews 65 genera of medicinal plants used in India, from Macadamia to Mezoneuron. See table of contents for a listing.



1. Macadamia
2. Macaranga
3. Machilus
4. Mackenziea
5. Macropanax
6. Macroptilium
7. Macrosolen
8. Maddenia
9. Madhuca
10. Maerua
11. Maesa
12. Magnolia
13. Maharanga
14. Mahonia
15. Majidea
16. Malachra
17. Malaxis
18. Mallotus
19. Malpighia
20. Malus
21. Malva
22. Malvastrum
23. Malvaviscus
24. Mammea
25. Mandragora
26. Mangifera
27. Manihot
28. Manilkara
29. Maranta
30. Margaritaria
31. Marrubium
32. Marsdenia
33. Marsilea
34. Martynia
35. Mastixia
36. Matricaria
37. Matthiola
38. Maytenus
39. Mazus
40. Meconopsis
41. Medicago
42. Medinilla
43. Megacarpaea
44. Melaleuca
45. Melampodium
46. Melastoma
47. Melia
48. Melianthus
49. Melilotus
50. Melinis
51. Meliosma
52. Melissa
53. Melocanna
54. Melochia
55. Melodinus
56. Melothria
57. Memecylon
58. Mentha
59. Merope
60. Merremia
61. Mesembryanthemum
62. Mesua
63. Metroxylon
64. Meyna
65. Mezoneuron

Plant Genera included in earlier Volumes

Customer Reviews

By: Neeraj Tandon(Author)
1072 pages
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