Reviews 50 genera of medicinal plants used in India, from Michelia to Myrtus. See table of contents for a listing.
1. Michelia
2. Microcos
3. Microlepia
4. Micromeles
5. Micromelum
6. Micromeria
7. Microsorum
8. Microstegium
9. Microtropis
10. Microula
11. Mikania
12. Milium
13. Miliusa
14. Millettia
15. Millingtonia
16. Mimosa
17. Mimulus
18. Mimusops
19. Mirabilis
20. Miscanthus
21. Mischocarpus
22. Mitracarpus
23. Mitragyna
24. Mitrephora
25. Mollugo
26. Momordica
27. Monochoria
28. Monstera
29. Morina
30. Morinda
31. Moringa
32. Morus
33. Moscharia
34. Mucuna
35. Muhlenbergia
36. Mukia
37. Mundulea
38. Muntingia
39. Murdannia
40. Murraya
41. Musa
42. Mussaenda
43. Myriactis
44. Myrica
45. Myricaria
46. Myrioneuron
47. Myristica
48. Myroxylon
49. Myrsine
50. Myrtus
1. List of plants reported for only ethnobotanical/traditional uses
2. List of plants not included in the volume due to change in botanical nomenclature
3. List of some important books, treatises and encyclopedias referred
1. Index of family names including generic names
2. Index of botanical names
3. Index of chemical constituents
4. Index of pharmacological and biological activity
5. Index of regional and other names
Plant Genera Included in Earlier Volumes: List of Plant Genera Vols 1 to 15 (Abe – Me)