Language: French with bilingual summary in English and French
Comparison between Phymatoceratinae which come from the NW European Province and those from the Mediterranean province or Circum-Pacific area shows great morphological and stratigraphic differences between species hitherto mostly attributed to the genus Phymatoceras. This name must be reserved for species of the Bifrons zone of the NW European province, those of the Variabilis zone being reported to the Denckmannia and Haugia genera and those of the Thouarsense zone to the Mouterdeiceras genus. In the Mediterranean province, these genera are replaced by the Furloceras and Sphingoceras genera of which the stratigraphic position is specified, as well as that of the Yakounia genus in the Circum-Pacific area. In the present work, for all the Phymatoceratinae, the number of genera and species quoted in the literature has been considerably reduced (9 instead of 15 and 62 instead of 109, respectively), what contributes to a better understanding of the subfamily.