Language: Japanese
This book on fish features beautiful specimen photos and easy-to-understand layouts that make it easy to compare the characteristics of each species, such as colour and shape. Approximately 1,600 species of fish that live in various environments from Japan to the world are listed. You can clearly see the diversity of fish. This book draws on the input of more than 30 researchers, including editor Motomura Hiroyuki. The latest and most accurate information can be used up to the upper grades of elementary school. One of the three major benefits is a completely original DVD that can be enjoyed by all ages, including an introduction to amazing fish techniques and behind-the-scenes information about the aquarium.
Summary in Japanese:
美しい標本写真と分かりやすいレイアウトで色や形といった種ごとの特徴が比べやすくなりました。日本から世界まで、様々な環境に生息する魚たちを約1600種掲載!魚の多様性がよくわかります。総監修の本村浩之先生をはじめ総勢30名以上の研究者たちが集結! 最新・正確な情報で小学校高学年まで使えます。3大特典の1つ、完全オリジナルのDVDは魚のスゴ技紹介や水族館の裏側紹介など、年齢問わずお楽しみ頂ける内容です。