Originally published in 1988.
The destruction of the tropical forest is one of the major problems of our time. Vast areas are rapidly becoming wastelands which support only a few tough weeds, perhaps some cattle, and the farms allowed to the poor. Saving the Tropical Forests provides a vision of hope: in Latin America. Africa. And South East Asia, growing numbers of people are developing techniques specifically designed to promote the wise use and preservation of remaining forest lands. However, these grassroots strategies are often ignored in favour of grandiose schemes which inevitably fail. This pattern must be broken now or the tropical forests will be lost forever. Published in association with the Smithsonian Institution.
Preface: Beyond Destruction, Success (by Michael H. Robinson)
Part I: The Specter of Deforestation
Chapter 1: Forest Reserves
- The Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve: Conservation of Forest and Sea, Mexico
- The Community Baboon Reserve: An Approach to the Conservation of Private Lands, Belize
- Land Titling and Forest Protection around the Gandoca/Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica
- La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica
- The Kuna Yala Biosphere 'Comarca': An Indigenous Application of the Conservation Concept, Panama
- A Bi-National Approach to the Protection of Indian Lands, Colombia and Ecuador
- The Cuyabeno Wildlife Production Reserve, Ecuador
- Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru
- Protection and Development in and about Khao Yai Park, Thailand
- Protecting Wildlife and Watersheds at Dumoga Bone, Indonesia
- A Community-Managed Buffer Zone for a Nature Reserve, Indonesia
- Korup National Park, Cameroon
Chapter 2: Sustainable Agriculture Lessons from Mayan Agriculture, Central America
- An Intensive Agricultural System for Forests with Karsted Limestone Areas, Mexico
- Converting from Beef to Dairy Cattle, Costa Rica
- Iguana Ranching: A Model for Reforestation, Panama
- Resource Management by the Kayapo, Brazil
- Japanese Farming in the Amazon Basin, Brazil
- Long-term Cultivation of Swidden-Fallows by Bora Indians, Peru
- Market-oriented Agroforestry in the Amazon, Peru
- Javanese Home Gardens, Indonesia
- An Extension Service for Shifting Agriculturalists, New Guinea
Chapter 3: Natural Forest Management
- A Sustainable Silvicultural System for Forests, Suriname
- Harvesting the Flood Plain Forests, Brazil
- Extractive Reserves: A Sustainable Development Alternative for Amazonia, Brazil
- Natural Forest Regeneration and Paper Production, Colombia
- Public and Private Cooperation in Protecting and Managing a Tropical Watershed, Colombia
- Sustained-Yield Management of Natural Forests in the Palcazu Development Project, Peru
- The Conservation of Oku Mountain Forests for Wildlife, Watershed, Medicinal Plants and Honey, Cameroon
Chapter 4: Tropical Forest Restoration
- Agroforestry and Outreach Project, Haiti
- Growing Forest from Habitat Fragments in Guanacaste National Park, Costa Rica
- Reforestation of Amazonian Bauxite Mines Using Native Species, Brazil
- Rehabilitation of Damaged Ecosystems in the Amazon Basin, Brazil
- Plan Bosque: Incentives for Planting and Tending Trees, Ecuador
- Xiaoliang Water and Soil Conservation, China
- The Forest Villages, Thailand
- Soil Conservation on Steep Tropical Slopes, Philippines
- Village Forest Project, Uganda
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