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Covers soil properties and processes; soil in relation to the environment.
Preface; Units, symbols and general information; 1. Introduction: Soil in a natural and man-made environment; Part I. Soil Properties and Processes: 2. The soil components; 3. Development of soils; 4. Sorptive properties of soil; 5. Organisms and soil processes; 6. Movement of water, air, solutes and heat in soil; Part II. Soils in Relation to the Environment: 7. Soil as a medium for plant growth; 8. Soil conditions and crop production; 9. Soil acidification; 10. Heavy metals and radionuclides in soil; 11. Soils, the atmosphere, global warming and ozone depletion; 12. Soil erosion and conservation; 13. Soils in the environment: problems and solutions; Subject index.
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