Language: Chinese with bilingual preface in English and Chinese, and scientific nomenclature
The order Diptera can be divided into two suborders, Nematocera and Brachycera, distinguished by the length and shape of antennae. The Brachycera is a large suborder containing about 120 families. Most species of orthorrhaphous Brachycera are predatory. The present catalogue deals specifically with the orthorrhaphous Brachycera in China, including 325 genera and 3228 species in 18 families of 4 superfamilies. There are 34 genera and 581 species of Tabanoidea (Tabanidae: 14 genera and 459 species, Rhagionidae: 8 genera and 85 species, Athericidae: 3 genera and 7 species, Xylophagidae: 1 genus and 1 species, Coenomyiidae: 5 genera and 11 species, Rachiceridae: 1 genus and 10 species, Vermileonidae, 2 genera and 8 species), 58 genera and 383 species of Stratiomyoidea (Xylomyidae: 3 genera and 37 species, Stratiomyidae: 55 genera and 346 species), 115 genera and 616 species of Asiloidea (Therevidae: 11 genera and 36 species, Scenopidae: 1 genus and 3 species, Mydaidae: 2 genera and 2 species, Asilidae: 59 genera and 305 species, Acroceridae: 7 genera and 16 species, Nemestrinidae: 4 genera and 17 species, Bombyliidae: 31 genera and 237 species), and 118 genera and 1648 species of Empidoidea (Empididae: 48 genera and 552 species, Dolichopodidae: 70 genera and 1096 species). The present catalogue includes the scientific name, the Chinese name, the synonym, and the type locality and distribution of each genus and species from China.
2. Rhagionidae
3. Athericidae
4. Xylophagidae
5. Coenomyiidae
6. Rachiceridae
7. Vermileonidae
8. Xylomyidae
9. Stratiomyidae
10. Therevidae
11. Scenopidae
12. Mydaidae
13. Asilidae
14. Acroceridae
15. Nemestrinidae
16. Bombyliidae
17. Empididae
18. Dolichopodidae