Language: Chinese with bilingual preface in English and Chinese, and scientific nomenclature
This catalogue was completed mainly based on the Iconographia Heterocerorum Sinicorum I, Geometrid Moths of the World: A Catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), and Fauna Sinica: Insecta, Volume 54: Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae. Volume 54 of Fauna Sinica was finished in 2009 and published in 2011, in which 362 species in 67 genera from China were recorded. In this catalogue, the author adds new genera and new species published between 2009 and December 2016 by checking Zoological Record and related literatures, and revises some synonyms and distribution data. In total, 398 species in 70 genera have been included. The main taxonomic items related to a genus, such as the scientific name and original reference, Chinese name, important synonym and reference, type species, and related reference were included. For a species, the scientific name and original reference, Chinese name, type locality, type specimens information, depositories of type specimen, important synonym and reference, distribution, Chinese common name, and related reference were included.