This issue contains the ten contributions, see the table of contents for more details.
- R. Czapik: Studies on embryology and reproduction in Angiosperms – an introductory note
- G. A. Nogler: Genetics of gametophytic apomixis – a historical sketch
- R. Czapik: How to detect apomixis in Angiospermae
- K. Turała-Szybowska: Syncytes in the secretory anthers' tapetum of Ranunculus peltatus (Ranunculaceae)
- M. Klein & P. Muras: Viability of pollen and pollen tetrads in Rhododendron (Ericaceae) cultivars
- K. Musiał: Embryology of Solidago virgaurea subsp. alpestris (Compositae)
- J. Paré: Resistance to herbicide (2,4D) of Striga hermonthica (Scrophulariaceae) in relation to embryonic development
- R. Izmaiłow: Embryo and endosperm relations at early stages of their development in Alchemilla subsect. Heliodrosium (Rosaceae)
- A. Jankun: Embryological studies on Sorbus intermedia (Rosaceae)
- O. Leblanc & Y. Savidan: Timing of megasporogenesis in Tripsacum species (Poaceae) as related to the control of apomixis and sexuality