About this book
This book presents multi-level approaches to the problem of unsustainable fisheries and provides potential solutions to address it. It discusses the importance of fisheries from a global perspective, describes current fisheries failings, and provides recommendations for more sustainable practices (e.g., food and livelihood security, interdisciplinary approaches, ecosystem-based and community-based management, governance reforms, reduced capacity, and accountability).
The book underscores the urgency of the sustainable fisheries issue, highlights inadequacies of current institutional mechanisms to deal with this global concern, and identifies areas for change. Of interest to anyone concerned about ways to address the challenge of fisheries sustainability, this book should be of particular note to fisheries scientists, policy makers, and managers who are vested in governance of our world's fisheries resources. This policy-oriented book is aimed at providing the intellectual foundation for those calling for the convening of a global conference on sustainable fisheries.
Preface (Eric C. Schwaab and Jane Lubchenco)
Overview (Abigail J. Lynch, Chiara M. Zuccarino-Crowe, William W. Taylor, and Elizabeth A. Puchala)
Symbols and Abbreviations
Sustainable Fisheries: The Importance of the Bigger Picture (Kevern L. Cochrane, William Emerson, and Rolf Willmann)
PART I: Biological Cases of Fisheries Sustainability
Shifting the Balance: Towards Sustainable Salmon Populations and Fisheries of the Future (Donald J. Noakes and Richard J. Beamish)
Ecosystem Health of the World's Great Lakes and Its Influence on the Sustainability of Their Fisheries (Norine E. Dobiesz and Robert E. Hecky)
A Paradigm Shift for Fisheries Management to Enhance Recovery, Resilience, and Sustainability of Coral Reef Ecosystems in the Red Sea (Andrew W. Bruckner, Hussain H. Alnazry, and Mohamed Faisal)
Tilapias in Aquaculture: The Need for Invasion Science in Decision Making to Protect and Sustain Biodiversity (Gabrielle Canonico-Hyde)
Governing Aquaculture for Human Security (Sara Hughes and Joan B. Rose)
Innovation, Leadership, and Management of the Peruvian Anchoveta Fishery: Approaching Sustainability (Ivan Orlic)
Small-Scale Fisheries by Farmers around the Tonle Sap Lake of Cambodia (Mina Hori, Satoshi Ishikawa, and Hisashi Kurokura)
Challenges in the Assessment and Management of Highly Migratory Bycatch Species: A Case Study of the Atlantic Marlins (Patrick D. Lynch, John E. Graves, and Robert J. Latour)
PART II: Institutional Approaches to Sustainable Global Fisheries
The Inadequacy of Contemporary International Governance of Fisheries Ecosystems (Michael G. Schechter and Daniel J. Blue)
Simplistic or Surreptitious? Beyond the Flawed Concept(s) of IUU Fishing (Andrew Serdy)
Banking on Sustainable Fisheries (Oleg Martens, Ragnar Arnason, Kieran Kelleher, and Rolf Willmann)
Inside the Framework: Making a Living from Fisheries (Grimur Valdimarsson and Rebecca Metzner)
The Social Embeddedness of Natural Resource Extraction and Use in Small Fishing Communities (Kenneth A. Frank, Spiro Maroulis, Dale Belman, and Michael D. Kaplowitz)
Role of Science in the Management of Tunas by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission: Limitations to Sustainability (Shauna J. Oh)
Revisiting Leopold's Land Ethic for Global Fisheries Sustainability: Thinking Like a Fish (Katrina B. Mueller and William W. Taylor)
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