Language: Japanese with scientific nomenclature
This is an illustrated guide to identifying the jewel beetles of the forest, with information on observation, identification, breeding methods, etc. all condensed into one book.
This illustrated encyclopedia describes 131 species of Japanese jewel beetles, known for their beautiful colour patterns. Small species less than 1 cm long are also introduced through focus-stacked photos of specimens. In addition to points to help identify them, the authors also provide information on their distribution, when they can be seen, their ecology, and the difficulty of finding them. In addition, there is information on the life history of jewel beetles, how to find them, and how to raise them.
Summary in Japanese:
森の宝石、タマムシの識別図鑑! 観察・同定・飼育方法など、この1冊に凝縮!
森の宝石と称される美しい色模様が特徴の日本産タマムシ131種の識別図鑑。 1cm未満の小さな種も、深度合成による標本写真で紹介。 見わけるためのポイントはもちろん、分布や見られる時期、生態、発見難易度を掲載。 タマムシの生活史や見つけ方、飼育方法のほか、コラムも充実。