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The Business of Water and Sustainable Development

Edited By: Jonathan Chenoweth and Juliet Bird
277 pages
The Business of Water and Sustainable Development
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  • The Business of Water and Sustainable Development ISBN: 9781874719304 Hardback Dec 2005 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1 week
Price: £46.50
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About this book

The Business of Water and Sustainable Development aims to illustrate the range of approaches that will be necessary if the percentage of the global population having access to adequate and safe water and sanitation is to be increased in line with the brave assertions from Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. Some of approaches will be large-scale `Western-style' improvements involving the creation of new business models, their effectiveness assessed by traditional approaches of fiscal and social analysis. Such schemes may be instigated and partly funded by governments, but are increasingly turning to the private sector for money and expertise. In contrast, many smaller communities would be better served by following another path to improved water supply and sanitation. Because of their size, location or traditions they may achieve better results through the adoption of local small-scale solutions. Non-governmental organisations have been very active in this area, but to extend their operations many are seeking to adopt a more business-like model. All water supply and waste disposal agencies, large or small, need to support and encourage continued research into technological solutions that seek out better, more sustainable ways to use our increasingly scarce supplies of good-quality fresh water.


Introduction Jonathan Chenoweth, University of Surrey, UK Juliet Bird, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Part 1: General theory 1. Incorporating demand-side information into water utility operations and planning Steven Renzetti, Brock University, Canada 2. The price of water: separating the natural from the optimal in water supply--ensuring the broadest community access to safe water Daniel Terrill, ACIL Tasman, Australia 3. Balancing the cost implications and benefits of compliance with advanced risk analysis Davide Bixio, Chris Thoeye and Greet De Gueldre, Aquafin NV, Belgium 4. The business of water supply and sustainable development: environmental management with the Balanced Scorecard--a case study of the Berlin Water Company, Germany Carl-Ulrich Gminder, Institute for Economy and the Environment, Switzerland Part 2: Privatisation 5. The private sector and service extension David Lloyd Owen, Envisager, UK 6. Private-sector participation in water and sanitation reviewed: insights from new institutional economics Dieter Rothenberger and Bernhard Truffer, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Switzerland 7. Ownership and performance of water utilities Steven Renzetti and Diane Dupont, Brock University, Canada 8. The involvement of the private sector in water servicing: effects on the urban poor in the case of Aguascalientes, Mexico Leslie Morris, Consultant, Canada Luis Fernando Gallardo Cabrera, IMPLAN, Mexico 9. Joint-use municipal-industrial infrastructure: an innovative approach to expanding urban water services in the developing world Jennifer Bremer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Steven Nebiker, Hydrologics Inc., USA Part 3: Technology 10. Autonomous water supply of a remote island community: the case of geothermal water desalination on Milos, Greece Thomas Nowak, Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf, Germany 11. Ecological sanitation: reaching for the Johannesburg Summit target Mayling Simpson-Hebert, UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Ethiopia Arno Rosemarin, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden Uno Winblad, Kyoto University, Japan 12. A measured step toward sustainability for rural water supply: one metering strategy that works Eric Johnson, Aquasanitas, USA 13. Sustainable water supply for a remote rural community in Mozambique: Oxfam Australia and the Chicomo Rural Development Project Elizabeth Mann, Oxfam Australia Part 4: Regionally focused case studies: rural areas 14. Indigenous people, women and water: the importance of local knowledge for project planning in an African context Fenda A. Akiwumi, Texas State University, USA 15. The commitment of the chlorine industry to sustainable societies: a partnership case study in Guatemala C.T. 'Kip' Howlett Jr, Chlorine Chemistry Council, USA 16. Water-pricing policies and the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC: a first approach concerning the agricultural sector in the Axios River Basin K. Sarantakos and E. Dimitriou, Institute of Inland Waters, Greece A. Kontogianni and M. Skourtos, University of the Aegean, Greece 17. Reducing water and sanitation backlogs in rural areas: Umgeni Water's response as an implementing agent within KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa David A. Stephen, Umgeni Water, South Africa Part 5: Regionally focused case studies: urban areas 18. The demand-side versus the supply-side approach: the case for sustainable management of water supply in developing countries L. Venkatachalam, Institute for Social and Economic Change, India 19. Pearl River Delta waste-water solutions Lynne Curry, Alicia Eastman and Alan Koon, Civic Exchange, Hong Kong 20. Water supply in Singapore: challenges and choices Kim Chuan Goh, National Institute of Education, Singapore

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Edited By: Jonathan Chenoweth and Juliet Bird
277 pages
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