Language: English
Until recently a complex overview of the biology of reproduction in birds was lacking in the scientific literature. This book was originally published in Hungarian in 2014. Now, the revised text of the Hungarian edition is published in English in a two-volume book.
The first volume presents the structure, function and molecular regulation of the reproductive process.
The second volume studies the reproductive process as a part of the annual life cycle of birds, dealing with the relationships between the gonadal function and the different elements of the biological cycle. It analyzes the effects of seasonal events of the following and the subsequent reproductive processes. Then, the author presents the roles of seasonality and illumination as an external regulatory factor in reproduction, and finally, shows the mechanism of photosensitivity and photorefractoriness. The third part of this volume analyzes the separate events of the reproduction process, relating to the endocrine, behavioural, and ecological elements, and highlights the territoriality, courting, egg-laying, brooding, and offspring rearing period of bird reproduction.
1. The reproduction cycle as a part of the annual biocycle
1.1. Wintering of migratory birds and the spring premigratory - migratory phase
1.2. Wintering of sedentary birds
1.3. Relationship of pre-reproduction phase with the spring prenuptial molt
1.4. Moulting processes in fall: the post-breeding postnuptial moult and the autumnal prenuptial moult
1.5. The period after the breeding and after the postnuptial moult: hyperphagie, development of subcutaneous lipid depots and partial sexual reactivation at the end of summer and in fall
1.6. The fall migration: relationship with moulting and post-breeding hyperphagie
2. Role of diurnal- and seasonal rhythms in the regulation of seasonal reproduction of birds
2.1. Regulatory role of photoperiod, photosensitivity, photo-gonadostimulation
2.1.1. Photoreceptors
2.2. Circadian biological clock, clock genes, the function of pacemakers
2.2.1. Circadian and diurnal rhythms
2.2.2. Relationships of circannual and seasonal rhythms
2.3. Neuroendocrine mechanisms of photostimulation and photo-gonadostimulation
3.The elements of reproduction cycle
3.1. Puberty and seasonal maturation
3.2. Formation of breeding territory, territorial behaviour
3.3. Beginning of reproduction activity, pair selection, mate guarding, extrapair paternity
3.4. Courtship, copulation and nest building
3.4.1. Courtship Neuroendocrine regulation of courtship behaviour
3.4.2. Copulatory behaviour
3.4.3. Nest building behaviour, nest building models Individual breeding birds Breeding colonies
3.5. Egglaying, production of a clutch
3.5.1. Replacement of the clutch, repeated breeding, continuous egg-production in domesticated bird species
3.6. Breeding systems
3.6.1. Social monogamy
3.6.2. Polygamy (polygyny), development of harem, polyandry, sex-reversion, promiscuity
3.6.3. Cooperative breeding
3.6.4. Opportunistic breeding strategy
3.7. The brooding
3.7.1. Neuroendocrine regulation of brooding
3.8. Brood parasitism
3.9. Parental care, paternal and maternal investment, social effects
3.9.1. Neuroendocrine regulation of parental behaviour
3.9.2. Epigenetic manifestation of parental behaviour