This is the first guidebook to Henry David Thoreau's most defining place, Walden Pond, lake in Concord, Massachusetts, which is visited by half a million people each year and widely known as the fountainhead of America's environmental consciousness.
Using The Guide to Walden Pond, both armchair readers and trail-walkers alike can amble around the pond's shoreline, pausing at fifteen special places to learn about people, historic events, and the natural world. Thoreau will be a constant companion via quotes from Walden. Stop by stop, the place of his book will merge with the book of his place.
Abundantly illustrated with photographs, drawings, and maps, The Guide to Walden Pond is a must-have for a meaningful, engaging tour of Walden Pond as well as a souvenir of a visit.
Robert M. Thorson is a professor at the University of Connecticut. An award-winning author, scientist, and journalist, he's an expert tour guide for Thoreau's Concord and a frequent speaker and consultant. From his home in Storrs, Connecticut, he walks to work on a trail through the woods.