Trees are vital without them we simply wouldn't be here. Not only essential, they have been an inspiration throughout our history. In breathtaking photographs and stories we are taken on a journey from the boreal forest at the edge of the Arctic to the rainforests girdling the planet; from ancient bristlecones to fresh-leaved seedlings; from the charming and familiar to the scary and rare. An elegantly written and highly accessible text is complemented by an extraordinary collection of images created by some of the world's leading nature photographers.
Lewis Blackwell likes to make beautiful books with inspiring ideas. Whether it is his passion for trees, which led to the bestselling Life & Love of Trees (celebrated on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and featured on, among others) or more arcane delights in the history of typography and vernacular signage (20th Century Type and Ed Fella Letters on America), or sharing his powerful insights from the top table in photography (Photowisdom), the resulting books are always highly visual, original in thought and word, and accessible.