These proceedings of a workshop of the International Association for Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology are directed specifically at the relationship between phytoplankton ecology and the trophic status of water bodies. Contributions address the fact that distinctive assemblages of phytoplankton species are closely associated with particular categories of water bodies. Particular attention is paid to how communities are assembled and to the ways in which environmental constraints filter the successful species. Overview articles are included.
The book will be a valuable source of information to limnologists, algologists, and the technical staff of all water suppliers.
Foreword. List of participants. Phytoplankton assemblages in twenty-one Sicilian reservoirs: relationships between species composition and environmental factors; L. Naselli-Flores. Phytoplankton selection in a river-lake system during two decades of changing nutrient supply; J. Kohler, S. Hoeg. Phytoplankton structure and dynamics in Lake Sanabria and Valparaiso reservoir (NW Spain); A.I. Negro, et al. Long-term variations of epilimnetic phytoplankton in an artificial reservoir during a 10-year survey; M. Leito, L. Leglize. Periodic disturbances, trophic gradient and phytoplankton characteristics related to Cyanobacterial growth in Guarapiranga Reservoir, Sao Paulo state, Brasil; Z. Beyreuth. Cyanoprokaryote assemblages in eight productive tropical Brazilian waters; V.L.M. Huszar, et al. Phytoplankton associations in a small hypertrophic fishpond in East Hungary during a change from bottom-up to top-down control; G. Borics, et al. The distribution of planktonic Cyanobacteria in Irish lakes in relation to their trophic states; C.S. Reynolds, A.C. Petersen. A new Ceratium species (Dinophyceae) from Lake Doirani, Macedonia, Greece; M. Temponeras, et al. Seasonal variation in phytoplankton composition and physical-chemical features of the shallow Lake Doirani, Macedonia, Greece; M. Temponeras, et al. Plankton designer -- or how to predict compositional responses to trophic change; C.S. Reynolds. Lack of pattern among phytoplankton assemblages. Or, what does the exception to the rule mean? C. Rojo, et al. A plea for more ecology in phytoplankton ecology; C. Rojo, M. Alvarez Cobelas. Understanding the assembly of phytoplankton in relation to the trophic spectrum: where are we now? C. Reynolds, et al.