Language: Bilingual in English and French
The Comoros Archipelago is a true natural paradise full of unique species and ecosystems with new species discovered and described regularly. Unlike many similar tropical oceanic islands, this hotspot of biological diversity remains virtually unknown to the global community.
A group of three biologists had the privilege of studying the islands as their private ‘playground’ of natural history. At the same time, they saw that many of the unique species living there are threatened by extinction. They would like to share the extraordinary discoveries they made there with the people living on the archipelago and with the global community of tourists, scientists, and enthusiasts and raise awareness for the need of preserving this fragile ecosystem.
Oliver Hawlitschek is a biologist from Germany working on the Comoran fauna since 2008. Rémy Eudeline is a biology teacher from France. He lived and worked on Mayotte from 2014 to 2019. Antoine Rouillé is an ecological engineer and entomologist. He worked in Mayotte for five years.