The Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a group of 836 islands spread in a narrow band over some 467 km off the east coast of India. Their insular nature and the physical isolation between the islands and the neighbouring mainland through millions of years has resulted in the evolution of a rare and distinct flora, which, though related to the mainland flora, shows much closer affinity with Myanmar, Malaysian and Indonesian floras. The second volume of this flora covers 84 families from Myrtaceae to Podocarpaceae.
1. Myrtaceae
2. Lecythidaceae
3. Melastomataceae
4. Memecylaceae
5. Lythraceae
6. Sonneratiaceae
7. Punicaceae
8. Crypteroniaceae
9. Onagraceae
10. Passifloraceae
11. Turneraceae
12. Caricaceae
13. Cucurbitaceae
14. Begoniaceae
15. Datiscaceae
16. Cactaceae
17. Aizoaceae
18. Molluginaceae
19. Gisekiaceae
20. Araliaceae
21. Cornaceae
22. Alangiaceae
23. Apiaceae
24. Rubiaceae
25. Asteraceae
26. Goodeniaceae
27. Lobeliaceae
28. Sphenocleaceae
29. Myrsinaceae
30. Plumbaginaceae
31. Sapotaceae
32. Ebenaceae
33. Symplocaceae
34. Oleaceae
35. Apocynaceae
36. Asclepiadaceae. (Incl. Periplocaceae)
37. Loganiaceae
38. Gentianaceae
39. Hydrophyllaceae
40. Boraginaceae
41. Convolvulaceae
42. Cuscutaceae
43. Solanaceae
44. Scrophulariaceae
45. Orobanchaceae
46. Lentibulariaceae
47. Gesneriaceae
48. Bignoniaceae
49. Pedaliaceae
50. Acanthaceae
51. Thunbergiaceae
52. Verbenaceae
53. Avicenniaceae
54. Lamiaceae
55. Symphoremataceae
56. Nyctaginaceae
57. Amaranthaceae
58. Polygonaceae
59. Basellaceae
60. Aristolochiaceae
61. Piperaceae
62. Chloranthaceae
63. Myristicaceae
64. Monimiaceae
65. Lauraceae
66. Cassythaceae
67. Hernandiaceae
68. Proteaceae
69. Thymelaeaceae
70. Elaeagnaceae
71. Loranthaceae
72. Viscaceae
73. Balanophoraceae
74. Euphorbiaceae
75. Urticaceae
76. Moraceae
77. Cannabaceae
78. Ulmaceae
79. Casuarinaceae
80. Salicaceae
81. Ceratophyllaceae
82. Gnetaceae
83. Cycadaceae
84. Podocarpaceae
Index to botanical names