This half open nest box has been designed to suit the breeding environment of several bird species, including robins, wagtails, common and black redstarts, and wrens. It's location will influence which species is attracted.
The box has been manufactured to match standard UK brick dimensions can therefore be integrated into a new-build, sitting flush to the wall surface. It can also be mounted to the outside of the wall if preferred. Ideally it should be mounted at least 3m high on the front of the building under the edge of the roof or gutter to allow some shading; it should not be placed in the direct sunlight for long periods of time.
Please note: “When installed in a cavity wall, the thermal insulation should run behind the wall. If you need to remove heat insulation, cut it generously around the box. In this case, fill the space behind the box with hard insulation material.”
Dimensions: 21.5 x 21.5 x 15 cm ( H x W x D)
Entrance hole: Open