This guide to the flora of the Margaret River, a small town south of Perth in western Australia, and its surrounds features photographs and descriptions of 290 plants you can find in the diverse range of habitats encountered on the river's journey from its source to the sea. Facts about particular groups of plants and their unique characteristics are included, while the introductory and final sections of the book discuss the river's environment and its importance to us all. Maps of the river system as a whole, and the Margaret River township environs show access roads and paths along which you can explore for wildflowers.
This book will add to your appreciation and understanding of the surprisingly rich array of plant species that occurs here and in the greater southwest. These include many spectacular, eye-catching and colourful wildflowers, but also some of the lesser known herbs and ferns, sedges and rushes. All are equally valuable members of Margaret River's flora and key to the health of the river.