This is a beautifully illustrated wildflower book for nonprofessionals, focused on the mountains of central New Mexico, including 715 color photographs of different organs and developmental stages of 201 common species occurring at approximately 6,000-11,000 feet elevation. Plant descriptions include their typical habitats, blooming period, floral and vegetative characteristics, uses by southwestern Native American tribes, the plant's common and scientific names and plant family. Plants are divided first by flower color, then by family common name, then by scientific name.
Larry J. Littlefield, retired professor of plant pathology (PhD, University of Minnesota), volunteer with the United States Forest Service and the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center, spent forty years conducting research and teaching plant pathology before retiring to New Mexico.
Pearl M. Burns (BS, University of New Mexico; RN), retired, has spent decades identifying and photographing New Mexico wildflowers, leading countless wildflower hikes, making presentations, and conducting classes. She received the 2003 National Volunteer of the Year Award from the United States Forest Service for her many years of volunteer service.