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Wildfowl, Issue 72

Journal / Magazine
Series: Wildfowl Journal Volume: 72
By: Eileen C Rees(Editor)
186 pages, colour & b/w photos, colour & b/w illustrations, tables
Publisher: Wildfowl Press
Wildfowl, Issue 72
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  • Wildfowl, Issue 72 ISBN: 9781739853815 Magazine Jan 2022 In stock
Price: £17.00
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About this book

Wildfowl is an international scientific journal, published annually by Wildfowl Press, and previously published by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (from 1948–2020). It disseminates original material on the ecology, biology and conservation of wildfowl (Anseriformes) and ecologically associated birds (such as waders, rails and flamingos), and on their wetland habitats.

Issue 72 of Wildfowl is particularly wide-ranging in its coverage. It not only includes the keynote paper on the history of the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) but also a review of the distribution and conservation of Far Eastern Curlew, insights into the movement patterns of diving ducks Aythya sp. in western Europe and an analysis of Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa feeding activity in relation to their energy requirements during wing moult. The two wetlands-orientated papers – on the Adıyaman-Gölbaşı Lakes important bird area (IBA) in Turkey and the Porbandar wetlands in western India – both build on the IWRB’s earlier initiatives, in utilising data gathered as part of the International Waterbird Census (IWC) and the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC).


Contents and Dedication   i-vi
Editorial   1-2

Review Papers
- The International Waterfowl (and Wetlands) Research Bureau: c. 1945–1995 / David A. Stroud, Jean-Yves Pirot, Mike Smart   3-60

Standard Papers
- Influence of spatial scale, sex and parental presence on rates of natal philopatry in non-migratory Canada Geese Branta canadensis / Michael R. Conover   61-73
- Continuous behavioural monitoring reveals increased feeding time during wing moult in free-ranging Pacific Black Ducks Anas superciliosa / Hui Yu, Marcel Klaassen   74-83
- Movement patterns of diving ducks Aythya sp. in western Europe / Adrien Tableau, Marie-Lucile Gourlay-Larour, Christophe Sorin, Jean-François Arcanger, Matthieu Guillemain, Jean-Philippe Rabatel, Thierry George, Alain Caizergues   84-97
- Review of the distribution and conservation of Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis in the River Lena and River Yana basins, East Siberia / Victor G. Degtyarev   98-115
- Bird diversity at the Adıyaman-Gölbaşı Lakes Important Bird Area (IBA), in southeast Turkey / Gökhan Büyük, Recep Karakaş   116-131
- Identification of wetlands of international importance in Porbandar, Gujarat, western India during 2015–2021 / Dhaval Vargiya, Bharat Jethva, Devang Pandya   132–151

Short Communications
- Distinguishing Tundra Bean Goose Anser fabalis subspecies: blind testing goose experts, using photographs taken in the field / Diana Solovyeva, Tomas Aarvak, Vladimir Emelianov, Alexander Kondratiev, Inga Bysykatova-Harmey, Sergey Kharitonov, Denis Kochetkov, Maria Reutova, Sonia Rozenfeld   152-163
- Internationally important stopover area for the globally-threatened Common Pochard Aythya ferina in the Volga River delta / Alexander Mischenko, Olga Sukhanova, Sauliua Švažas, Natalia Meshcheriakova, Maxim Perkovskii, Vladimir Strelkov, Alexandre Czajkowski, Daiva Vaitkuvienė   164-173
- Ovarian degeneration resulting in the phenotypic masculinisation of a wild female Mallard Anas platyrhynchos / Philip Lavretsky, Flor Hernandez, Brian Davis   174–181

Notice To Contributors
- Instructions for Authors   182-186

Customer Reviews

Journal / Magazine
Series: Wildfowl Journal Volume: 72
By: Eileen C Rees(Editor)
186 pages, colour & b/w photos, colour & b/w illustrations, tables
Publisher: Wildfowl Press
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