Encourage more pollinators into your garden, and help identify the insects you see. As well as bees, butterflies, beetles and many other insects play an important role, carrying pollen from one flower to another. So it’s best to grow a mix of flowers with different flowering times in your garden to provide food for as long as possible.
- Seed balls – Urban meadow mix. A mix of native wildflower seeds that are great for pollinators. These hardy seeds are ideal for built-up urban areas, cities and roadsides. They will work well in window boxes, balcony pots, garden beds and wildlife gardens.
- Bees WildID guide – featuring 28 species of bees found in gardens, including mining bees, cavity-nesting bees and cuckoo bees as well as the Big Six bumblebees. Many of these insects are pollinators.
- Butterflies WildID guide – covering all 60 wild butterflies of Britain and Ireland.
- Day-Flying Moths WildID guide – featuring 103 species which fly in the daytime in Britain and Ireland.
- “Giving pollinators a helping hand” booklet. A photographic identification guide to the wildflowers that you might grow. It includes the months in flower, plant height and whether it is annual, biennial or perennial.
- 2 planting markers
- Pencil and magnifier
Each seed ball contains approximately 30 wildflower seeds for pollinators from a mix of Common toadflax, Cornflower, Cowslip, Meadow cranesbill, Musk mallow, Oxeye daisy and Red campion, plus a sprinkling of pollinator-friendly annuals such as Chamomile, Cornflower, Corn marigold, and Night-flowering catchfly.
Just throw your seedballs onto cleared ground in your garden, making sure there is enough sun and rain. The soil will help them germinate, while the clay will protect and spread out the seeds. Seed balls are best scattered in spring or autumn. While seed balls are great in heavily modified places like gardens, it’s best not to use them in wilder places.
The Wildlife Garden Pollinator Pack: Urban Meadow is a popular wildlife gift from the Field Studies Council's range of nature gifts for adults and makes the perfect Christmas gifts for nature lovers ready for spring. A great wildlife gift for the garden, and a great choice of Christmas gift for insect lovers too.