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About this book
There are many types of scientific communication, the principal ones being written papers in journals and popular science articles, as well as oral and poster presentations at scientific meetings. In all cases, the ABC of science communication is that it should be Accurate and Audience adapted, Brief, and Clear. The aim of this book is to provide guidelines for preparing papers and presentations so that your message can be transmitted clearly and concisely to the reader or listener. Techniques for improving your writing, literature searching and training students in communication are also discussed.
Communicating science Sections of a scientific paper Tables and figures Other types of scientific writing Getting started in writing Improving your writing Writing statistics Literature searching and referencing Getting a paper into print Oral presentation and visual Poster presentations Training students in writing and presentation Reviewing papers and presentations Index
Customer Reviews
Birgitta Malmfors lectures at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala, Sweden), Michael Grossman lectures at the University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois, USA) and Philip Garnsworthy lectures at the University of Nottingham (Nottingham, UK).