This account of the Yorkshire hawkweeds is the result of thirty years field work and study; its prime aim is to help hawkweed novices make a start and improvers to see the way forward towards an understanding of this difficult genus. Included are details of hawkweed recording in Yorkshire; general guidance of species identification and the relative importance of various characters which are defined, explained and illustrated.
There is a full set of hierarchical identification keys to sections, to groups/aggregates and to species. There are individual accounts of all 117 Yorkshire species including salient features, ecology, frequency and distribution illustrated by tetrad dot maps. Site details with eight figure grid references are given for rare and scarce species which should enable the reader to find most of them. Comparative summaries and colour photographs of specimens of almost all these species are vital components of Yorkshire Hawkweeds.
There is a core of common lowland species in Yorkshire which are found nationally (especially in England and Wales), and it is hoped that this account of the Yorkshire Hieracium will be of interest and use to hawkweed enthusiasts elsewhere in the country.