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Danmarks Basidiesvampe [Denmark's Basidiomycetes]

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
By: Thomas Læssøe(Author), Jens H Petersen(Author), Tobias Guldberg Frøslev(Author), Jacob Heilmann-Clausen(Author)
872 pages, 8000+ colour photos, colour & b/w illustrations
Publisher: Svampetryk
Danmarks Basidiesvampe [Denmark's Basidiomycetes]
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  • Danmarks Basidiesvampe [Denmark's Basidiomycetes] Hardback Jan 2024 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Price: £125.00
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Danmarks Basidiesvampe [Denmark's Basidiomycetes]Danmarks Basidiesvampe [Denmark's Basidiomycetes]

About this book

Language: Danish

Danmarks Basidiesvampe is a revolutionary identification key to the fungal division of basidiomycetes that are known from, or may appear in Denmark. The book marks the end of the second phase of Denmark's mushroom atlas.

Danmarks Basidiesvampe is a map of the landscape of basidiomycetes – the most conspicuous main group of the mushroom kingdom, which includes, amongst others, agarics, puffballs, stinkhorns, bracket fungi, other polypores, jelly fungi, boletes, chanterelles, earth stars, smuts, bunts, rusts, and mirror yeasts.

In connection with the preparation of the identification key, the authors have sequenced the DNA of almost 5,000 collections of Danish mushrooms, and have analyzed DNA data from soil samples. Altogether, this has meant that over 400 mushroom species have been detected in Denmark for the first time. All are of course included in the determination key, which is also updated with the latest species classification and nomenclature. The book thus constitutes an up-to-date catalogue of the fungal biodiversity of Denmark and thus functions not only as a practical tool for species determination of fungi, but also as an invaluable time marker for our understanding of the basidiomycetes in the year 2024.

The book includes over 4,900 mushroom species and is richly illustrated with well over 8,000 photographs as well as drawings of spores and other relevant microcharacters of almost all discovered species. The key has been prepared in a newly designed layout, i.e. with illustrations of colour characters as well as colour coding of the paths through the key.

The division of groups is based on the form groups that were developed for the book series Fungi of Northern Europe. The determination wheels from this work are included in Danmarks Basidiesvampe and have been revised on this occasion, to support the higher number of species and the latest knowledge about naming and systematics.

Summary in Danish:
Danmarks Basidiesvampe er en revolutionerende bestemmelsesnøgle til de basidiesvampe, som er kendt, eller som kan tænkes at dukke op i Danmark. Bogen markerer afslutningen på anden fase af Danmarks svampeatlas.

Danmarks Basidiesvampe er et kort over det landskab, der hedder Basidiesvampe – den mest iøjnefaldende hovedgruppe af svamperiget som omfatter bl.a. lamelsvampe, rørhatte, poresvampe, pigsvampe, barksvampe, bævresvampe og støvbolde.

I forbindelse med udarbejdelsen af bestemmelsnøglen har vi DNA-sekvenseret næsten 5.000 indsamlinger af danske svampe, ligesom vi har analyseret DNA-data fra jordprøver. Samlet har dette medført at over 400 svampearter er blevet påvist i Danmark for første gang. Alle er naturligvis medtaget i Bestemmelsesnøglen, som også er opdateret med den nyeste artsopdeling og de nyeste navne. Bogen udgør dermed et tidssvarende katalog over den svampe-biodiversitet, vi finder i den danske natur og fungerer dermed ikke kun som et praktisk værktøj til artbestemmelse af svampe, men også som en uvurderlig tidsmarkør for vores forståelse af basidiesvampene i år 2024.

Bogen medtager over 4900 svampearter og er massivt illustreret med langt over 8000 fotografier samt tegninger af sporer og andre relevante mikrokarakterer af næsten alle udnøglede arter. Nøglen er udarbejdet i et nydesignet layout, bl.a. med illustration af farvekarakterer samt farvekodning af vejene gennem nøglen.

Opdelingen af grupper bygger på de formgrupper, der udvikledes til værket Fungi of Northern Europe. Bestemmelseshjulene fra dette værk er medtaget i Danmarks Basidiesvampe og er i denne anledning revideret, for at understøtte det højere artsantal og den nyeste viden om navngivning og systematik.

Customer Reviews

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
By: Thomas Læssøe(Author), Jens H Petersen(Author), Tobias Guldberg Frøslev(Author), Jacob Heilmann-Clausen(Author)
872 pages, 8000+ colour photos, colour & b/w illustrations
Publisher: Svampetryk
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