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Esau's Plant Anatomy Meristems, Cells, and Tissues of the Plant Body: Their Structure, Function, and Development

By: Ray F Evert and Susan E Eichhorn
601 pages, Figs, illus
Esau's Plant Anatomy
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  • Esau's Plant Anatomy ISBN: 9780471738435 Edition: 3 Hardback Oct 2006 Out of stock with supplier: order now to get this when available
Price: £206.95
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Esau's Plant AnatomyEsau's Plant AnatomyEsau's Plant Anatomy

About this book

This revision of the now classic Plant Anatomy offers a completely updated review of the structure, function, and development of meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body. The text follows a logical structure-based organization. Beginning with a general overview, chapters then cover the protoplast, cell wall, and meristems, through to phloem, periderm, and secretory structures.


Preface.Acknowledgments.General References.Chapter 1. Structure and Development of the Plant Body-An Overview.Chapter 2. The Protoplast: Plasma Membrane, Nucleus, and Cytoplasmic Organelles.Chapter 3. The Protoplast: Endomembrane System, Secretory Pathways, Cytoskeleton, and Stored Compounds.Chapter 4. Cell Wall .Chapter 5. Meristems and Differentiation.Chapter 6. Apical Meristems.Chapter 7. Parenchyma and Collenchyma.Chapter 8. Sclerenchyma.Chapter 9. Epidermis.Chapter 10. Xylem: Cell Types and Developmental Aspects.Chapter 11. Xylem: Secondary Xylem and Variations in Wood Structure.Chapter 12. Vascular Cambium.Chapter 13. Phloem: Cell Types and Developmental Aspects.Chapter 14. Phloem: Secondary Phloem and Variations in Its Structure.Chapter 15. Periderm.Chapter 16. External Secretory Structures.Chapter 17. Internal Secretory Structures.Addendum: Other Pertinent References Not Cited in the Text.Glossary.Author Index.Subject Index.

Customer Reviews


Ray F. Evert, Ph.D. is Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
By: Ray F Evert and Susan E Eichhorn
601 pages, Figs, illus
Media reviews
Like its predecessors, 'Esau's Plant Anatomy' will serve as an important reference for students and botanists who need basic information on this subject. Summing up: Essential. (CHOICE, March 2007) "...will probably become the standard in the field...a breadth of pictorial documentation often not achievable by a single author...a sound contribution to the plant anatomy reference and instructional textbooks available today." (The Quarterly Review of Biology, March 2007) "...few more iconic texts in botany than Esau's Plant Anatomy... this edition is a very worthy successor to previous editions..." (Annals of Botany, June 2007) "...provides an easily accessible and excellent source of basic information on plant anatomy which is nowadays more important than ever." (J. Phytopathology, 155, 574-576, 2007)
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