Contents: Keys to Major Taxa; Pteridophytes:Psilotophyta to Azollaceae. Gymnosperms:Cycadophyla to Ephedraceae.
List of contributors; Introduction; 1. Keys to Major Taxa; 2. Ferns; 3. Gymnosperms; 4. Pteridophytes; 5. Psilotophyta; 6. Psilotaceae; 7. Lycopodiophyta; 8. Lycopodiaceae; 9. Selaginellaceae; 10. Isoetaceae; 11. Equisetophyta; 12. Equisetaceae; 13. Polypodiophyta; 14. Ophioglossaceae; 15. Osmundaceae; 16. Gleicheniaceae; 17. Schizaeaceae; 18. Lygodiaceae; 19. Anemiaceae; 20. Parkeriaceae; 21. Pteridaceae; 22. Vittariaceae; 23. Hymenophyllaceae; 24. Dennstaedtiaceae; 25. Thelypteridaceae; 26. Blechnaceae; 27. Aspleniaceae; 28. Dryopteridaceae; 29. Grammitidaceae; 30. Polypodiaceae; 31. Marsileaceae; 32. Salviniaceae; 33. Azollaceae; 34. Gymnosperms; 35. Cycadophyta; 36. Zamiaceae; 37. Ginkgophyta; 38. Ginkgoaceae; 39. Coniferophyta; 40. Pinaceae; 41. Cupressaceae; 42. Taxaceae; 43. Gnetophyta; 44. Ephedraceae; 45. Literature cited; Appendix: List of Major Flora and Checklists; Index to Authors; Index
"The second volume of this flora represents a monumental achievement....This volume does everything that a flora should - and more; a high quality of scholarship is evident throughout....Even more important is the degree to which recent systematic investigations are reflected in the treatments....This volume has set a high standard; it will serve as an excellent model for later volumes....The real 'review' of a flora comes in putting it to use, and I am looking forward to using this one! I recommend it whole-heartedly." --Walter S. Jedd, Economic Botany, published by TheSociety for Economic Botany by The New York Botanical Garden
"I recommend this volume of the Flora to all interested parties." --Michael T. Stieber, The Morton Arboretum. Lisle, IL, Science Books and Films
"Volume 2 of The Flora of North America is the first to provide a floristic treatment, here including ferns and fern allies, as well as the gymnosperms....For the quality of the information, and the qu